Diana Wynne Jones Wiki
"Warlock at the Wheel"
Author Diana Wynne Jones
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Featured in Warlock at the Wheel and Other Stories
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Featured in Mixed Magics
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A Chrestomanci short story. First published in Warlock at the Wheel and Other Stories in 1981, then rereleased in 2000 in Mixed Magics. Set following the events of the first Chrestomanci novel Charmed Life, the narrative revolves around the minor character, the Willing Warlock (one of only two people in the entire anthology who Jones revisits) as his numerous attempts to make it in the criminal underworld go disastrously wrong on account of his ignorance and lack of foresight. After being spirited away to another world, which resembles our own and may in fact be Twelve-B (if this is indeed the case, it would be the second time chronologically, though not necessarily in publication order, Twelve-B would be visited in the series since The Lives of Christopher Chant), where his magic has been returned to him, he attempts to carjack a hi-tech car, only to find out that it has a little girl inside it along with a nasty-looking dog.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The dog Towser is referred to as a Kathayack Demon Dog. This is apparently a reference to Jones’ novel The Homeward Bounders, where one of the principal characters originates from a demon hunting world called Kathayack[1][2].

