Diana Wynne Jones Wiki

Lady Felice is the second child of the Countess of Stallery, making her sister to the new Count Robert.  She is young, blond, and very good-looking, and she is best by a horrible, nagging mother.  When she is first introduced to the story, she is sitting down to afternoon tea with her mother, who keeps hushing her each time she tries to say something.  Her mother is too busy making sure that everything is done just so to pay any real attention to her daughter, except to make sure that she behaves just so.

The next time Lady Felice appears, she is racing on her horse to a distant part of the manor grounds, where she seems to be meeting Mr. Hugo. The two of them are evidently engaged in a romance, so each of them is crossed in love.  In this, their travails are shared by others at Stallery, so it's all very dramatic, but Lady Felice is clearly just a nice, happy person, despite the whole doomed love affair bit.
